5 Prayers For Your Child

5 Prayers For Your Child June 17, 2015

Here are 5 powerful prayers for a sick child that you can use or combine them all into one potent prayer in behalf of a sick child.

Prayer Number One

Great God in Heaven, ruler of the universe, You are supreme over all that happens and I know that You control all circumstances even though we are responsible for our own actions. Please, I pray for You to intervene on behalf of my child to speed his/her recovery so that she/he might recover and be restored to good health. In this way, I can praise You and tell others even more so that You care for Your children and our children too. Please be merciful to us and to this child as You know what affects my child also affects me and what affects me, also touches You and so I plead with You right now to help my child recover so that I might give You yet more praise and tell others of Your marvelous love for those who are Yours so that they might also trust You and in the glory and mighty majestic name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

Prayer Number Two

Righteous Father, glorify Your Son’s name, Jesus Christ by answering my prayer, because it is for the glory of His name that I make my petition to You in this most desperate time. I know You expect me to do all that I can to do help alleviate my child’s suffering and I can do no more than I have already known to do, at least as far as I am aware of. If there is more that I can do, please bring it to my knowledge so that I can do whatsoever needs to be done to help end this illness of my child or at least quicken the recovery. Whatever the case might be, please help in this process to help speed my child’s healing so that he/she can again not have to suffer and be in such discomfort and I ask only for the sake of my child. Precious Father, I thank You for all things and know that everything will work out for our best but help me to trust You more with everything, including my child’s sickness and in the great name of the coming King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ I pray, amen.


Prayer Number Three

Great God of the Universe, I pray for that great day when all sicknesses and illnesses will be gone forever but until that day arrives, please help my sick child recover as soon as possible because I hate to see my children suffer in this way. I know that sometimes these trials make us depend on You more and to make us see our need for You in everything in life and at this time I come to You pleading to help heal my child soon so that her/his suffering will come to an end shortly. I know nothing is too hard for You and You have a purpose in everything so I leave this illness in Your sovereign hands and plead with You to restore his/her health quickly and I pray for Your will to be done in this and I pray in the strong name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Prayer Number Four

Oh Righteous Father, I pray that if You are teaching me something in this sickness of my child, that I learn it quickly so that my child can recover soon. I pray that my child would also learn to trust You in their times of need and when things seem hard like they are right now. I also still need to learn this. I ask for Your favor in this, my child’s illness, and I surrender it all to You knowing that I can do no more that I know of than that which I’ve already done. Help her/him to know that You care for us even when we are sick and that You too care for us in such times as these. I know that we feel helpless during such things as these in life and maybe that’s what you are trying to teach me and my child so in the great name of the coming Lord, Jesus Christ, I pray, amen.

Prayer Number Five

Great God, You know us and that we are frail and feeble and made of dust and as such, we fall into sickness. Help me to learn to rely on You for all things, even in the good times and bad, and that nothing happens that is outside of Your will. I do trust You and I know that You hate to see children suffer in sickness too Thank You for allowing me the great privilege of coming to Your throne and it is only made possible at the greatest cost there was; the very blood of Your Son Who gave His life for me and so please Father, help my child recover quickly and give me the wisdom to know what to do to speed his/her recovery so that we can both praise you and in the precious name of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen.


There are fewer things that are harder to endure than the sickness of a child. When you pray for your child, pray over them and let them know you are praying for them and perhaps allow them to pray for themselves too because it is a valuable lesson for them to learn to trust God in times like this and rely on Him at all times for all things.

Article by Jack Wellman

Jack Wellman is Pastor of the Mulvane Brethren church in Mulvane Kansas. Jack is also the Senior Writer at What Christians Want To Know whose mission is to equip, encourage, and energize Christians and to address questions about the believer’s daily walk with God and the Bible. You can follow Jack on Google Plus or check out his book Blind Chance or Intelligent Design available on Amazon.

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