3 Prayers For Unsaved Parents Or Grandparents

3 Prayers For Unsaved Parents Or Grandparents November 25, 2015

If you’ve got unsaved parents or grandparents, here are three prayers that I hope can help you pray for their salvation.

Prayer for Conviction

Righteous God, only You can show us Who Jesus is by Your Spirit and that this same Spirit can also send conviction to a person about their sins and that is what I pray for so that my parents/grandparents might be saved. I know that I am convicted about praying for them and I haven’t always been the best at sharing my faith or of being Christ-like so forgive me God where I fall so far short. Please God, enable my parents/grandparents to see their need for the Savior through the work of Your Spirit because every day they grow closer and closer to the end of life, even though no one knows when that will be, but everyone’s day of judgment is surely coming (Heb 9:27) so I beg You God to bring them under conviction that they might repent and be saved and in Jesus’ Holy Name I pray, amen.

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Prayer for Repentance

God, Your Word says that only You can grant repentance (2nd Tim 2:25) and so I am praying to You to ask You to send Your Spirit to my parents/grandparents so that they might feel conviction about their sins and then You would grant them repentance so that they might turn away from and forsake their sins and then place their trust in Jesus Christ. God, You are the Author of Life and the granter of eternal life (John 3:16) and I beg you to grant my parents/grandparents eternal life by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of God humbling them before You so that they would repent and believe (Mark 1:15). That is my prayer and I ask in Jesus’ name, amen.

Prayer for Salvation

Oh Righteous Father, I pray through Jesus’ name that my parents/grandparents might be saved and inherit eternal life by repentance and belief in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. It grieves my heart to think that they might die in their sins and have the wrath of God abiding on them (John 3:36b) and that they will be separated from me but also from You for all time with no more chance of repentance and forgiveness. Please give me more boldness and courage to tell them why they need Christ and I also pray that You might open a door for the gospel to be presented to them in the hopes that they might rejoice in the day of your coming and that they too can praise You and sing of Your glory for all generations and in the mightiest of names, Jesus Christ, I pray, amen.


Having parents and grandparents that are non-believers can be hard for Christian children and grandchildren. All they can do is to share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ with them and then pray for them. Do that and then leave the rest up to God.

Article by Jack Wellman

Jack Wellman is Pastor of the Mulvane Brethren Church in Mulvane Kansas. Jack is also the Senior Writer at What Christians Want To Know whose mission is to equip, encourage, and energize Christians and to address questions about the believer’s daily walk with God and the Bible. You can follow Jack on Google Plus or check out his book Teaching Children the Gospel available on Amazon.

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