Church Sign Epic Fails, “Old Testament Sex” Edition (1 of 2)

Church Sign Epic Fails, “Old Testament Sex” Edition (1 of 2) March 30, 2013

I’m so full-up on church signs that I’m offering a double dose for Easter. Enjoy this, the first of two installments.

There’s this one position called the “Heber,” where your partner drives a tent stake through your head at the end. Not pretty.
Just after this picture was taken, the bunny peeled off his face to reveal he was actually the antichrist. Kinda makes more sense now, the whole creepy Easter Bunny thing.
If this makes no sense to you, clearly you missed class #43 in the 50 Shades of Old Testament Sex series. Do your homework!
Not a church, I know. So maybe that’s why this one totally reeks of AWESOME SAUCE!
Nothing says “Easter” like base humiliation…and markers to the face. I saw a guy get this done to him back in college, but these weren’t the words on his face.
I took my calculus homework in to these guys and they just stared at me like, “Wha?” Totally not helpful.
I know the right says to take a right at Jesus Way, but Apple maps said to go left. I KNEW I should have stuck with TelNav! I’ll see you in Hell, Steve Jobs!!! No, really, because your navigation system sent me there.

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