Leroy Barber on Why Gentrification Sucks (Plus Paris and Pastafarians)

Leroy Barber on Why Gentrification Sucks (Plus Paris and Pastafarians) November 29, 2015

leroy barberMost cities in the U.S. are experiencing a wave of re-urbanization. From high-rise condos to boutique groceries, it’s everywhere. What was old is becoming new. So why is that a bad thing? It ain’t necessarily, author, pastor and activist Leroy Barber explains this week. But the way we do it, he says, needs a major overhaul. We also dive into immigration and how the two actually are related.

We also figured we could be a culture and current events show without addressing the recent events in Paris. Promise we won’t send you to the depressive brink, but it’s a thing and we gotta figure this out if we claim to care about the world we’re leaving our kids.

Oh, and we still open the show with a peppering of “dick” jokes to balance it all out. Whew.

Amy goes Obi-Wan Kenobi on s, breaking down how we become what we hate, and how Fred Phelps (founder of hate church Westboro Baptist) was moved to compassion by (surprise!) a group of gay neighbors.

Oh, and does this woman who fought for the right to wear a pasta strainer on her head in her driver’s license picture have a case? You be the judge. Personally, every time I look at her hair I get the munchies.

And yes, of course we have some fresh, steaming hot recommendations and a newfangled fear of the week. Basically the show is a heaping bucketful of awesome. Grab a knife and fork, cause it’s feedin’ time…

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