‘Wherever We Are, God Is!’

‘Wherever We Are, God Is!’ October 7, 2016

TMADVol51(The following is an entry from our latest “Three Minutes a Day” book of daily stories and reflections, which can be purchased via The Christophers’ website.)

“Everything is grace.”

Those words of St. Thérèse of Lisieux (a.k.a. The Little Flower) were spoken when she was dying of tuberculosis and experiencing a long spiritual darkness. Yet she chose to believe in God’s love anyway, a remarkable act of faith.

Father Bob Colaresi, O. Carm., Director of the Society of the Little Flower, recently endured the darkness of prostate cancer so he writes about this view of grace:

“St. Thérèse’s greatest teaching is a challenge to look for and see that God is everywhere…The flip side of that biblical teaching is that wherever we are, God is! Yes, wherever we are physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and relationally, God is with us — present within our experience.

“God is often hidden within our human experiences, as He was throughout our biblical history, clouded in mystery, yet truly present! We simply have to open our eyes and listen with our heart…What are the dark nights of your life and our world teaching you?”

The faithful will abide with Him in love, because grace and mercy are upon His holy ones. (Wisdom 3:9)

Give me the vision to see Your grace everywhere, Jesus.

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