Words I Wish I’d Written: The Meds Don’t Need Adjusting

Words I Wish I’d Written: The Meds Don’t Need Adjusting July 10, 2014

I stretched my legs and studied the intricate architecture of the building. It was a remarkably depressing structure considering how much good the Nelsons were trying to accomplish. The building was hideously dark. The walls were thick blocky stone, with carved designs on the edges, and the look was completed by the pair of massive stone gargoyles that sat on the building’s roof. “Maybe it’s the setting? This place looks more like a haunted castle than an institution dedicated to helping people.”

“That it does. But you should have seen it before we bought it from the state. Joan and I wanted to put our earnings from MHI to good use. This facility is perfect for what we do. Though I will agree, it does bring to mind The Hunchback of Notre Dame.”

“Yeah, it looks like what insane asylums look like in horror movies. Sorry, mental health facilities ,” I said. “Heck, you even have gargoyles. Isn’t that kind of a bad idea with patients who are scared out of their minds by monsters?”

He adjusted his absurdly thick glasses and studied the roof. “Hmm . . . I may not need to change Travis’s medication after all.”


“Our building doesn’t have gargoyles.”

We watched as one of the giant statues swiveled its horned head as if it was analyzing the air. The other creature slowly and ponderously stretched one of its wings.

— Larry Correia, Monster Hunter International

Travis is one of the patients; apparently he had seen the gargoyles.

Monkey Typing

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