New Testament 109

New Testament 109 March 18, 2015


Verrocchio, "Baptism of Christ"
“The Baptism of Christ,” by Andrea del Verrocchio (1472). Note the presence not only of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (represented by the dove), but of the Father, whose two hands appear at the top of the painting.
(Click to enlarge.)


Matthew 11:25-27

Luke 10:21-22

Compare John 3:35; 7:29; 10:14-15; 13:3; 17:2, 25


I understand that orthodox Nicene Trinitarians can read these verses without seeing a contradiction of their notion of a Triune God.  But, seriously, it seems to me that the Latter-day Saint understanding of the Father and the Son as two distinct divine personages (rather than as two persons within a single metaphysical “substance,” whatever that might actually mean) is far and away the more natural way to read it (and many other such passages).



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