“Religion poisons everything!” (13)

“Religion poisons everything!” (13) May 6, 2015


Persian miniature Elijah
A sixteenth-century Persian miniature of the prophet Elijah, which (of course) would not exist in an ideal world
(Click to enlarge.)


A few days ago, my wife and I were atop Mount Carmel in Israel, at the traditional site of the famous contest between the prophet Elijah and the priests of Baal that’s recounted in 1 Kings 18.


Working, again, from the late Christopher Hitchens’s confident and universal assertion that “religion poisons everything,” we must inescapably conclude that Felix Mendelsohn’s oratorio Elijah (because it’s a member of the set called “everything”) was poisoned by religion, and that it would have been better — assuming that it would have come into existence in the first place! — without the religious element that it contains.


Here’s a two-part recording of Mendelssohn’s toxic composition Elijah, another of religion’s crimes against humanity:






Should such performances perhaps be banned?  Regulated, at least?  (Poisons and poisonous things are commonly regulated.)



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