“For the Salvation of Zion”

“For the Salvation of Zion” August 24, 2021


BYU by night
A portion of the Provo, Utah, campus of Brigham Young University by night  (Image from the BYU website)




Some new items were published earlier today (Tuesday) on the website of the Interpreter Foundation:


“Nibley Lectures: Come, Follow Me Lesson Doctrine and Covenants Lesson 36 (D&C 94-97)”


Audio Roundtable: Come, Follow Me Doctrine and Covenants Lesson 36 “For the Salvation of Zion”: D&C 94-97

The Interpreter Radio Roundtable for Come, Follow Me Doctrine and Covenants Lesson 36, “For the Salvation of Zion” on D&C 94-97, featured Mark Johnson, Matthew Bowen, and Martin Tanner. And now — cue drum roll! — this roundtable has been extracted from the 25 July 2021 broadcast of the Interpreter Radio Show and liberated from commercial and other interruptions. The complete show may be heard at https://interpreterfoundation.org/interpreter-radio-show-july-25-2021/. The Interpreter Radio Show is broadcast each and every Sunday evening from 7 to 9 PM (MDT), on K-TALK, AM 1640.  But you can also listen to it live on the Internet at ktalkmedia.com.


Come, Follow Me — D&C Study and Teaching Helps: Lesson 36, August 30–September 5: D&C 94-97 — “For the Salvation of Zion”




A really important speech (certainly important from my viewpoint as someone who has been seriously involved with Brigham Young University for most of the last [gulp!] fifty-one years):


“Elder Holland Warns BYU of a House Divided against Itself”




I’m looking forward to seeing this fairly soon.  I believe that we already have tickets:


“‘1820: The Musical’ gives new, diverse representation of Joseph and Emma Smith’s lives”




“‘Looking back, I wonder why I waited so long’: How Elder Dube discovered his testimony of the Book of Mormon”




Here’s a timely little item plucked from the Christopher Hitchens Memorial “How Religion Poisons Everything” File©:


“Latter-day Saint Charities provides ‘heaven sent’ supplies to Afghan refugees arriving in Qatar: All known church members are out of country and safe”


And this one can serve as a stand-in for yet another item or group of items from the Hitchens File:


“Peru’s First Lady Visits Church Offices in Lima: Lilia Paredes discusses humanitarian work and tours the MTC in Lima”




And, finally, four short items connected with the coronavirus pandemic:


“As COVID-19 cases surge, former assistant Church historian shares lessons of the past”


“Doctor who treated over a hundred COVID-19 patients, signed dozens of death certificates has a message for you”


“‘Sense of betrayal” — Latter-day Saint ICU doctor laments that more aren’t vaccinated”


This article has been on the official webpage of Brigham Young University since 7 March 2021, but I find that many of the falsehoods that it addresses are still very much in circulation:


“Q&A with BYU professor addresses COVID-19 vaccine misconceptions: While myths and half-truths about vaccinations continue to swirl, Dr. Andersen explains how COVID-19 vaccines work.”



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