Democrats refuse to accept a clear defeat and recount demands prove they’re sore losers

Democrats refuse to accept a clear defeat and recount demands prove they’re sore losers December 1, 2016

Donald Trump won the election fair and square, and Democrats just can’t accept their fate. The call for recounts has sounded and leading the pack is one very sore loser: the Green Party’s Jill Stein.

In fact, she’s the election’s biggest loser — barely a blip on the radar screen, making her completely irrelevant to the American people. But that isn’t stopping her quest for a recount in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Yes, only swing states and not other red or blue states. But already she’s met resistance in my home state of Wisconsin where they rejected her request to do a hand recount.

So far, Stein raised over $6 million to pay for the recounts, according to USA Today, and claims her goal isn’t to change the outcome of the elections but to “ensure the integrity of the election.” Clinton’s camp came out of hiding to join the efforts because evidently, “integrity” is suddenly a top priority for them.

But I agree with President-elect Donald Trump on this; that it’s all a scam to gain attention for the Green Party. He tweeted, “The Green Party scam to fill up their coffers by asking for impossible recounts is now being joined by the badly defeated & demoralized Dems.”

It’s the timing on this thing that makes it impossible. The Electoral College votes are cast on December 19. The deadline for recounts is six days before that. It’s all too little, too late.

If Democrats really wanted integrity in elections, they would back voter ID laws. It’s the surest fight against fraud and would make it much harder for illegal immigrants and dead people to vote; both favored voter blocks for Dems.

Show a state-issued ID, cast a ballot. It’s that simple. Let’s cut out all of this nonsense and move forward.

Here’s another thing to think about.  In Michigan, the recount will cost tax payers $12 million, money that could go to fix the lead in drinking water crisis.  Like most elitists, she doesn’t care about that. After all, her kids or grand kids aren’t drinking the brown water; only black kids have to drink it.

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