Clueless, elitist Ashley Judd wants “white people” emojis sent to the back of the bus

Clueless, elitist Ashley Judd wants “white people” emojis sent to the back of the bus January 15, 2017

When the rich and famous in Hollywood start waging war on emojis, we’ve got big problems.

Feminist Ashley Judd has done just that. In the name of “white privilege,” the actress is hoping to do what 50 years of civil rights couldn’t: give us black emojis and only black emojis.

And ground zero for the battle begins on Facebook where she wrote: “My evening interaction with my white privilege is about emojis. They come white. White/yellow-ish is the default color.”

Stop right there! Let’s check what she said on Twitter for a little more clarity because it kinda sounds like she said yellow and white are the same color:

Okay, I’m sure Judd considers herself “colorblind” in the racially sensitive way, but is she actually colorblind?

Her Facebook post continued:

If you’re other than white, you have to scroll to search for an emoji of color that more closely resembles your experince. [sic]

A little thing, perhaps.

But….what if emojis, came,

standard issue, in black?

So WE whites had to scroll to find a color that more accurately resembled US?

Multiply that times the incalculable….

And that gives me a glimpse of what it may be like to be a person of dolor [sic] in a white-centric world. Everything set to the standard of whiteness, everything else a variation thereof.

Umm, a yellow emoji popping up on your smartphone while you sit in mansion-comfort with an overflowing bank account and sipping a $6 latte doesn’t get you anywhere close to what it feels like to be a victim of racism. Leave it to a self-important actress to even say that.

But if you want to know how hard it must be to be a Hollywood liberal, keep reading:

I still want to be called a “non person of color,” to designate my whiteness in contrast with “person of color.” It could help address the inherent flaw in whiteness as the default standard, the term PoC being obviously a contrast to white. And “non person of color” has the added benefit of….”non.” A negating word preceding talking about me and my race/ethnicity. Now, wouldn’t that be helpful and good for a while? For me to experience what it may be like to have my personhood negated before a conversation even gets started? Because isn’t that what has happened with and to people of color for so long? Personhood negated through language, and a prism of other ways.…

This clueless elitist thinks this all black people need or deserve to level the playing field. I refuse to be lectured to by this insensitive wench about black issues. 

In case Judd hadn’t noticed, emojis have already gone through tons of changes. With every software update, it seems like a new skin tone is added. There are currently six options — SIX OPTIONS — for race on my phone. And once you select a color, it stays that way, and you don’t have to scroll ever again. All this just to save one step? Sounds like she needs to take a step back and a deep breath.

Click CONTINUE to see Ashley Judd’s worst nightmare:

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