Sheriff Clarke talks to Hannity about new book: I don’t see the world through a prism of race

Sheriff Clarke talks to Hannity about new book: I don’t see the world through a prism of race February 28, 2017


Last night, I sat down with Sean Hannity to talk about Cop Under Fire: Moving Beyond Hashtags of Race, Crime and Politics for a Better America — for which Sean graciously wrote a foreword.  

It begins:

I first met Sheriff David Clarke when he came onto my show to talk politics, but I knew immediately he wasn’t like many of the other conservatives I’ve ever met.  Sheriff Clarke, with this cowboy hat and boots, doesn’t look like your typical Wisconsin resident. In fact, he looks like a sheriff out of an old wild west movie. He’s a man with honor and courage… Regrettably, values more common in those old movies than in pop culture these days.

That’s why I love Cop Under Fire: Moving Beyond Hashtags of Race, Crime and Politics for a Better America It’s about a man from the Milwaukee projects who thrived amidst challenging circumstances, who overcame racial politics in the police department, and who rose to the office of Milwaukee County Sheriff. It’s about a man who dared to call out the first black President for his lies, corruption and disregard for the constitutional process.   It’s about a man who runs and was elected as a Democrat, but who refuses to buy into the modern liberalism dogma of the Democrat party choosing instead to force them to excommunicate him.

Hey, you have to buy the book to read the rest!

Sean talked to me about race, Trump, and even God.

Click CONTINUE to see the interview:

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