Putting out into the deep: May 19, 2007

Putting out into the deep: May 19, 2007 May 19, 2015







About the stole


It is a custom in this diocese for each deacon class to design its own distinctive stole to wear on the day of ordination.

Taking as our inspiration Bishop DiMarzio’s motto “put out into the deep” (Luke 5:4), we’ve designed a stole that shows a vessel sailing into the water. It resembles a fishing boat common on the Lake of Gennsesaret, the kind the apostles would have known and used. It also represents for us the “barque of Peter,” the Church. The sail guiding the boat carries a familiar Greek symbol for Christ, the Chi Rho (P X). Atop the sail, at the highest point, is the cross. Underneath the boat, we can see that the water is not smooth. This journey will be unpredictable.

But there is a strong headwind, and the sail is full. On this blessed day, so are our hearts: full of hope and humility, gratitude and joy. We pray for clear skies and calm seas — with the grace of Christ to guide us and the winds of the Spirit to propel us forward.

Please pray with us, and for us, as we put out into the deep.

— From the ordination program


The stole was designed by Deacon Jim Hynes.

Jim entered eternal life March 1, 2008, 10 months after ordination.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. 


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