Stunning: church made entirely of trees

Stunning: church made entirely of trees July 17, 2015


It’s in New Zealand: 

Nature can be a spiritual place for many, and in the Christian tradition, references to the environment abound.

New Zealand businessman Barry Cox decided to turn his spiritual connection to nature into a literal sanctuary by building an entire church out of trees. Cox lives on a three-acre property on the country’s north island, and got inspiration for the church one day while surveying his land.

“I walked out my back door one day and thought, ‘That space needs a church’ — and so it began,” he told “I cleared the area in April 2011 and made the iron frame, drawing on all the research I had done over the years of studying churches. I wanted the roof and the walls to be distinctly different, to highlight the proportions, just like masonry churches.”

Read more. Visit the church’s website for additional info. And check out the video below.

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