Vatican says autopsy reveals disgraced former nuncio died of natural causes

Vatican says autopsy reveals disgraced former nuncio died of natural causes August 29, 2015

From Vatican Radio, confirmation of what was reported yesterday— that former Nuncio, Jozef Wesolowski, while facing trail in sex abuse charges, died of natural causes: 

Following the sudden death, which occurred late on the past Thursday, August 27, of the former Apostolic Nuncio Jozef Wesołowski, the Office of the Vatican’s Promoter of Justice [the Vatican prosecutor], as part of the obligations of its authority, ordered the execution of an autopsy examination, appointing a Commission of three experts, coordinated by Prof. Giovanni Arcudi, Professor of Forensic Medicine at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.

The investigations took place [Friday] afternoon and, according to the first conclusions reached on the basis of macroscopic examination, confirmed the natural cause of death, attributable to cardiac event.

In the coming days the Office of the Promoter of Justice will acquire the further findings of the usual laboratory tests carried out by the aforementoned Commission.

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