Worth a thousand words: deacon cookies!!

Worth a thousand words: deacon cookies!! April 30, 2018

Take a bite out of these, from Cincinnati photog Tina Geers, via The Catholic Telegraph:

Details, from Gail Finke:

St. Joseph Parish in North Bend celebrated one of its own being ordained a transitional deacon Saturday morning with a three-Mass celebration this weekend.

Deacon Mark Bredestege proclaimed the Gospel and delivered a homily at all three weekend Masses. Receptions featured deacon-shaped cookies from a local bakery.

Bishop Joseph R. Binzer ordained nine men transitional deacons at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains Saturday, the largest group since 1979.

Check out the link for more pictures—and yes, that icing around the deacon’s mouth isn’t from eating too much dessert.  The new deacon has a beard.

And: as a few naysayers have pointed out on social media: “The stole is in the wrong direction.” Better luck next time. (‘Twas ever thus. People always get something wrong about deacons…)

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