Reflections of Grace 102: Four Keys to Hearing the Voice of God.

Reflections of Grace 102: Four Keys to Hearing the Voice of God. November 19, 2015

Reflections of Grace Slider

Though we have the promise that as His sheep we hear his voice, too many believers are starved for that intimate relationship that alone can satisfy the desire of their hearts. Many people who have read my blogs ask me how I can be so sure what I am hearing is really Him. Do I just make it up in my head? I get the looks. You know the ones; the small smirk because they really think you are crazy. No one can talk to God, right?. When you are ready to really press in and exercise your faith, I can assure you that when you truly hear Him, there is no one who can convince you that it is not His voice you hear.

This kind of intimacy with Jesus is the key to all that you struggle with in your life. When you know you hear His voice, you will never feel alone again. The awareness that His presence is always there gives you confidence that He is in control, even at the most terrifying times.

Key 1: God’s voice in your heart often sounds like a flow of spontaneous thoughts that you come to realize is not coming from you. It is just like a real conversation, because it is. I imagine Him seated next to me at the table where I study and talk to Him as if we are having coffee (which I usually am). It was at one of these times that He told me to write a book, told me what title to give it, and who to talk to when it was completed. More on that in a later chapter.

Key 2: Be still in your mind so you can sense God’s flow of thoughts and emotions within. I had to learn how to bring all my thoughts captive, and then throw them off. We are always at war with an enemy who wants nothing more than to cloud our communication with his destructive suggestions:

“What will people think? You are deceiving yourself. You are just really losing it, Dixie. What makes you think God Himself will talk to you?

And it goes on and on as long as I am receptive to his suggestions of doubt and fear, and agree with him. Remember, Satan can’t read our minds. He can only introduce his voice as if it is God’s. Don’t agree with him…you can judge it by the Word and how you feel when he speaks. Jesus only brings peace.


Key 3: As you talk to Him, fix the eyes of your new heart upon Jesus, seeing in the Spirit the dreams and visions of Almighty God. He gave us an imagination to use to exercise our faith. This is exciting. Step out there in the Spirit. Believe in His supernatural power working in and through you. Use your imagination and see Him sitting there smiling at you, chuckling in delight with your personality. He will show you things to come and give you visions and Words. Did you know He has a great personality? We laugh and cry together. I sing to Him, and He sings to me.

Key 4: Journaling. The recording of your prayers and God’s answers brings great freedom in hearing God’s voice. It is a two-way conversation on paper. I have found it to be a fabulous catalyst for clearly discerning God’s inner spontaneous flow, because as I journal, I am able to write in faith for long periods of time, simply believing it is God. Doubt blocks divine communication. When you are familiar with His Word and His Spirit within you, you know when the voice you’re hearing is not His. With journaling, I can receive in faith, knowing that when the flow has ended, I can test and examine it carefully, making sure that it lines up with scripture. My belief is that when you blindly step out in faith, He will never let you down. Jesus smiles and is delighted that you are venturing outside your reasoning. Isn’t that what faith is?

You will be amazed when you journal. Doubt may hinder you at first, but throw it off, reminding yourself that it is a biblical concept, and that God is present, speaking to you, His child. Relax. When we cease our labors and enter His rest, God is free to flow (Hebrews 4:10). Sit back comfortably, take out your pen and paper, smile, and turn your attention toward the Lord in adoration, seeking His face. I just write out my heart to Him…I talk to Him on paper, fixing my gaze on Jesus. I even tell Him about my poor attitudes, my doubts, and my frustrations. When I am through with my prayer, almost immediately I begin to write again as His voice speaks to my spirit. I entitle it “Jesus says:” It sometimes goes faster than I can write, but I simply write it down. Later, as I read my journaling, I am always blessed to discover that I am indeed dialoguing with God. And the best part? When I go back and read what He said, weeks or months later, I have yet to find a time when everything He says hasn’t come to pass.

Just step out there and do it!! Don’t be afraid you are making it up. That is what faith is. You will fall in total love with this wonderful, exciting, personable, smiling, and full-of-love Jesus.

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