“We can’t help ourselves,” part 2: “Why a former Catholic and a current Catholic *don’t* like Catholicism”

“We can’t help ourselves,” part 2: “Why a former Catholic and a current Catholic *don’t* like Catholicism” April 28, 2015

Alicia de los Reyes and me:

Alicia: You said you love the Church, but you don’t necessarily like Catholicism. When I was Catholic, I liked being Catholic, but I didn’t love every aspect of the Church or of going to Mass. What are some aspects you don’t *like* about the Church, but stick with anyway? 

Eve: Hmm, this is a good question. It’s hard for me to sort out stuff I don’t understand from stuff I dislike (which maybe says not-great things about my intellectual vanity!) but the top two things which come to mind are jargon and, especially, hierarchs.


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