“Gay & Celibate”: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

“Gay & Celibate”: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette May 10, 2015

profile mostly of Wesley Hill, w/some commentary from others:

Wesley Hill is convinced that taking a road less traveled doesn’t have to be a lonely journey.

Mr. Hill, a professor at Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, and a small corps of other writers around the country have churned out a small library of books and blog posts, united in a single premise.

They believe gay Christians can and should affirm their sexual orientation — but should also commit to celibacy.

The stance runs counter to the growing American majority that supports legalized same-sex marriage among Americans, including religious progressives, as the U.S. Supreme Court weighs a landmark case on whether to legalize it nationwide.

But it also challenges many of his fellow Christian conservatives who still oppose any affirmation of being gay, even in celibacy.

more (uh I suspect I said something closer to, “I was surprised at how certain I was that I could trust the Catholic Church’s authority”? IDK, I think just saying “yay, trust the Church!” like there are no reasons that’s weird is a bit… irresponsible, even though I do obviously think we can and should trust Her. Anyway I talk super fast in interviews so it is never anyone else’s fault when it comes out sounding weird on the page. Very grateful for this piece.)

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