“Four Legal Loopholes That Screw You When You’re Poor”: Cracked

“Four Legal Loopholes That Screw You When You’re Poor”: Cracked June 24, 2015

rides again. The usual Cracked-related warnings for language and brain-breaking imagery.

You’re sitting on your couch one evening, happily working on your latest 90,000-word Spider-Man fan fiction, when your phone rings. It’s a collections agency, calling about that anatomically correct Peter Parker love doll you bought for $10,000 back in 2001 and didn’t quite pay off. You’d been hoping that the world had forgotten about that debt, just like they forgot about the photos of you and Peter you put up on your GeoCities website at the time. When you look up the collections agency online, it’s legit. A business wouldn’t call you about owing money unless you actually still owed money, right?

more–some of this will probably be familiar to you, but there were things in both of the first two items that were new to me

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