Three Women Discuss What We’ve Learned from Not Having Sex

Three Women Discuss What We’ve Learned from Not Having Sex March 11, 2016

I am the lifer in the world’s most boring women in prison flick:

…One woman, Kat, chose to stop having sex with her boyfriend of two and a half years as a way to strengthen her relationship with God and to gain a sense of control in her life. The other, Eve Tushnet, is the author of Gay and Catholic: Accepting My Sexuality, Finding Community, Living My Faith and Amends: A Novel. She became a Catholic in college and, in doing so, began a life of celibacy.

Listen to the podcast below to learn more about what it means to be celibate in 2016, as well as what people who aren’t celibate can learn about their own sex lives from those who are.

more (lol everyone thinks I have taken a “vow of celibacy.” I have taken no vows other than the standard baptismal ones. And my vow to defend the Ben Affleck Daredevil film.)

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