“Moral Reconation Theory”: The Bizarre, Creepy Made-Up Religion Used to Re-Educate American Prisoners

“Moral Reconation Theory”: The Bizarre, Creepy Made-Up Religion Used to Re-Educate American Prisoners June 23, 2016

like, the Scientology and Goldman Sachs stuff is not even the weirdest or most disturbing stuff in this piece:

…I wanted to find out more about this strange book that has been forced on a million people in the prison system, this book that uses terms and ideas from Scientology and tells people that their immoral personalities are responsible for their substance use, their incarceration and their unhappiness.

But for an organization that purports to seek to help as many people as possible, Correctional Counseling keeps its materials mighty close to its chest.

When I tried to order some books from their website, I was informed that only people who have undergone the patented MRT training can even order the book. Basic trainings cost around $600 to attend.

Correctional Counseling advertises heavily to drug courts. And if the drug courts don’t want to pay for the manuals and training fees? Correctional Counseling reassures them in one of the advertisements linked to in its newsletter: “Many drug courts require clients to bear the costs of workbooks and groups.”

more–this piece is yelling to the choir (OH NO A KOCH BROTHER) but one thing my readers might be esp interested in is how easily (American) Christianity-without-Christ becomes moralistic, oppressive authoritarianism.

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