Paula Deen Invokes God in ‘Today Show’ Mea Culpa

Paula Deen Invokes God in ‘Today Show’ Mea Culpa June 26, 2013

After initially bailing on a scheduled interview with The Today Show, embattled celebrity chef Paula Deen finally sat down with Matt Lauer to try and apologize for her actions over the past few weeks. (In case you just got back from a visit to the wilds of Siberia and missed this story, Deen admitted under oath to having used the N-word and has been fired from the Food Network. Also, how was Siberia? Hope you took a lot of pictures.)

At the beginning of the interview, Paula said “I believe that every creature on this earth, every one of God’s creatures, was created equal, no matter who you choose to go to bed with at night or what church you go to pray in, I believe that everyone should be treated equal.”

That’s a nice sentiment, Paula, but it’s not nice enough. It’s sweet that you’re cool with people no matter which church they go to, but what about people who go to synagogue? Or to temple? Or a mosque? Or who don’t attend any kind of religious service at all? How about them? Also, what about adverbs? Don’t they deserve to be treated equally, too?

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