April 1, 2015

In my post “Why I’ve Stopped Singing In Your Church”, I offered some candid critiques of worship music in many of our churches. Tyler Braun is a friend of mine who recently launched a project that I believe is a step in the right direction and a terrific resource for worship leaders and worshippers alike. Check out  WorshipSongs.me to discover new church music that might not be heard on your Top 40 Christian Worship factory. Share songs you’ve enjoyed  or even... Read more

February 27, 2015

I’m not sure what to call them really. It used to be that I could use words like dispensational or pre-millennial and Christians would know what I meant. I’m not so sure of that anymore. We’ve grown averse to using multi-syllabic words in church these days and, it seems to me, are the worse for it. [See my post Why I Left Your Seeker-Friendly Church] I was raised in a church environment that embraced much of the apocalyptic view of... Read more

February 19, 2015

My friend Dr. Brian Mattson of Dead Reckoning TV along with Jay Friesen has delivered one of the most moving tributes to the Jewish and Christian victims of ISIS entitled “We Will Not Be Lost:”  We are deeply disturbed by our political leadership’s inability to name this enemy, but we are even more disturbed by its inability to name its victims. The Jewish dead in Paris were called by our President “a bunch of folks in a deli.” The twenty-one Christian... Read more

February 14, 2015

When children are trapped in failing schools, it is a moral issue that all Christians should be concerned about. Even those of us who are not big fans of government-sponsored education see the value of reforms to help failing schools. In my home state of Georgia, Governor Nathan Deal is proposing an education reform approach to create Opportunity School Districts that would bring failing schools under the direct, temporary control of the state in order to turn them around. According... Read more

January 15, 2015

This post appears as part of an interchannel dialogue about vocation and faith. Click here to explore more posts about how our faith and calling connect. Have you ever asked yourself “What should I do with my life?” when trying to identify your life calling? I know I have—and I’ve heard the question countless times from people young and old trying to figure out their direction in life. But after years of wrestling with the topic—and stepping out by faith... Read more

November 26, 2014

Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran has been suspended for publishing a book without permission in which he expresses traditional, orthodox Christian views about sexual behavior outside of marriage. A report from Atlanta’s WSB-TV: [Cochran was] suspended for one month without pay and will be required to complete sensitivity training. In the book based on Christian values, Cochran identifies himself as Atlanta’s fire chief and says his first priority as chief is to run the department “to cultivate its culture to the glory of... Read more

November 22, 2014

Elizabeth Barrett Browning once penned the poetic words: “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.” I find myself asking something similar about Obama’s executive immigration action: “How do I oppose thee? Sheesh, this could take a while!” Perhaps an entire book would be a more fitting venue for expressing why Obama’s executive immigration action is bad for immigrants, bad for America, opposed to Scripture — but good for his own interests. So I’ll start tackling it in... Read more

November 21, 2014

I am pleased to feature a guest post today from my friend P. Andrew Sandlin, President of The Center for Cultural Leadership. First Things (FT) has launched a crusade to get pastors out of the marriage-ceremony-performing business, or, as they would no doubt prefer, out of the business of government-sanctioned marriage-ceremony performance. The problem for The Marriage Pledge they are pushing is that these two practices are identical. A Dispute among Allies First Things (FT) is one of our allies in the culture wars. And... Read more

August 5, 2014

I encountered some verses in Psalm 16 this morning that got my attention for they seemed to ask me: “Do you always start the day with God before you?” I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will rest in hope…. You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At... Read more

April 14, 2014

This guest post by David Spickard originally appeared on Jobs for Life.  David grew up in Nashville, TN, and has always had a heart for people in need. Since 1999, he has applied his MBA and love for God at Jobs for Life, first as its Director of Operations and then as its CEO, beginning in 2006.  During this time, he has helped JfL grow from a local work in Raleigh, NC, to a global network of churches, ministries, and... Read more

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