Paul Verhoeven’s Jesus movie, rumour #239

Paul Verhoeven’s Jesus movie, rumour #239 November 30, 2006

Paul Verhoeven has been talking about making his own movie on the life of Jesus for years — indeed, decades. He certainly does have gospels on the brain; apart from being a member of the Jesus Seminar, he has also talked about the subversive Christ imagery in, say, Robocop (1987), to cite one of his better films.

So when I hear that he told Empire magazine, in an interview that was picked up by WENN, which was passed on by Cinema Blend and PR Inside, and which I first heard about from Tyler Williams

Uh, where was I? Oh, right. So when I hear that Verhoeven is talking about this movie again, I am inclined to roll my eyes, the same way I do whenever I hear rumours about Indiana Jones IV.

But this time, there’s a twist. Verhoeven says he would fear for his life if he made this film, so he is going to write a book first — and then he may or may not make a movie afterwards.

So now, instead of wondering what ever happened to that movie of his, we can wonder what ever happened to that book of his.

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