Son of Man: An African Jesus Film — the review’s up!

Son of Man: An African Jesus Film — the review’s up! October 3, 2014

sonofmananafricanjesusIt was a long time coming, but I finally finished my review of Son of Man: An African Jesus Film — a collection of essays about Mark Dornford-May’s challenging reimagining of Jesus as a modern political activist — and got it published in Books & Culture.

If you subscribe to the magazine, you’ve had access to my article for about a month now, but today it came out from behind the paywall, so everyone can read it here.

Incidentally, this reminds me, I don’t believe I ever posted a link to my B&C article on Darren Aronofsky’s Noah. (It went online in May, and it may or may not be behind a paywall now; I clicked on the link twice today and got the full article the second time, but not the first.)

Because it can take a while for magazines to be edited etc., that article was one of the first things I wrote about Noah after seeing the film, and it was one of the last things I wrote about it that was actually published. Thankfully, despite all the controversies that erupted in the interim, I still agree with everything I wrote back then!

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