That’s my family on TV!

That’s my family on TV! February 28, 2006

Those who have kept tabs on my collection of baby pictures at might have noticed that there are currently almost no photos of my wife Deanna there.

This is partly because she and I tend to visit the babies at different feeding times, so as to give them collectively more time with their parents; and this is also partly because, on those occasions when we do go together, she is busy feeding them and, if I do take any photos, I tend to think of them as being for the family only.

But now, thanks to the CBC, you can all see her feeding the twins anyway! Click here for the text version of a story about Canada’s only milk bank, which includes links to RealVideo and QuickTime video files in which Deanna gets a 13-word soundbite.

The interview, and the footage of Elizabeth in her incubator and Thomas being fed, was shot at the BC Women’s Hospital only a few days after their birth on February 4. The twins have been at St. Paul’s Hospital — only three blocks down the road from our apartment — since February 11, and rumour is, they may finally be coming home this Friday. Life is about to get even cuh-razier.

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