The Shift is the fourth film to be distributed by Angel Studios, the distributor behind His Only Son, Sound of Freedom and After Death — and it’s the first film to be produced by Angel Studios, as well. It’s a “faith-based” science-fiction film that filters the story of Job through a multiversal lens, and I first mentioned it here two years ago, when it was looking for investors. (Like a lot of Angel’s productions, it’s basically crowd-funded.)
Back then, the studio’s website described the film like this:
Our Job—Kevin—will face off with the devil in a way that exposes his tricks and his lies by shining a light that cuts through all that darkness. Kevin will be presented with concrete temptations most of us can relate to, and we’ll see how his choices alter the world around him. The sci-fi plot that lets Kevin “shift” between realities shows with dramatic allegory the way our lives can be changed by small daily choices.
In the end, Job proved worthy of God’s faith in him. The question is: can Kevin overcome the temptation of untold wealth and power to do the same?
The film is opening in theatres today, and we have a clip to show you:
Interestingly, a different version of this scene appeared in the short film that director Brock Heasley released two years ago while he was raising funds for the film. You can see it at the 17-minute mark here:
The Shift is now playing in theatres. You can order tickets here.