Walt Disney Treasures — another update

Walt Disney Treasures — another update December 19, 2006

I picked up two of the new ‘Walt Disney Treasures‘ sets today — specifically, I got More Silly Symphonies and The Complete Pluto Vol. 2 — so, now that I know what these sets contain, I figured I would update my inventory of animated Disney shorts on DVD.

It ends with a list of cartoons that I don’t have, and most of those are gleaned from a list of Disney cartoons that I found online years ago, when I first started collecting these discs. Assuming that list was complete, it would seem I now have all the Disney cartoons produced between 1928 and 1946, except for these two:

  1. The Martins and the Coys (1946), which was originally part of the anthology Make Mine Music (1946) but for some reason was left out of the DVD version of that film; and
  2. The Hot Chocolate Soldiers (1934), which was apparently never released on its own, but was created for the MGM movie Hollywood Party (1934), which starred Jimmy Durante and a whole host of that era’s biggest stars.

As it happens, Hollywood Party is not available on DVD, but the Disney bit is up at YouTube, so I figured I’d re-post it here:

Click here if the video file above doesn’t play properly.

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