The Ring of Power becomes the Alethiometer

The Ring of Power becomes the Alethiometer May 21, 2007

The new trailer for The Golden Compass doesn’t waste any time letting you know that this film is produced by the same studio that made The Lord of the Rings (2001-2003). I was thinking of posting a few comments about this, but family duties intervened, and I see that Jeffrey Overstreet has now written everything I was thinking of saying, and then some. So check it out.

One thing I will add, though: Why do so many people say the film will tone down the novels’ anti-religious elements, when the website says the villainous “Magisterium” is an enforcer of “dogma” and the trailer includes one of the bad guys decrying a scientific theory as “heresy”? What are these, if not religious words?

MAY 22 UPDATE: The trailer is now available via YouTube.

Click here if the video file above doesn’t play properly.

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