Can you wipe away a soul?

Can you wipe away a soul? May 31, 2008

I’m not exactly a big Joss Whedon fan, though I do like aspects of Firefly (2002-2003) and Serenity (2005), both of which my wife really likes. But I am a big fan of stories about amnesia and various other kinds of memory loss, and the questions such things raise regarding the nature of identity and the relationship between the body and the soul, etc. So now I’m wondering if I should check out Whedon’s newest series, Dollhouse, when it premieres early next year (or when it comes out on DVD afterwards).

Click here if the video file above doesn’t play properly.

Side note: I am intrigued by how the trailer above begins with the protagonist sitting underwater. When I first gave my massive, three-part lecture on ‘Memory at the Movies’ four years ago, I was struck by how several of the films I cited made significant use of aquatic motifs — most prominently in Finding Nemo (2003), perhaps, but it’s also there in Total Recall (1990), Dark City (1998), 50 First Dates (2004) and the Bourne trilogy (2002-2007), to name the first few films that come to mind.

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