7 Ways Christians Can Honor God, Even While Using a Red Starbucks Cup

7 Ways Christians Can Honor God, Even While Using a Red Starbucks Cup November 12, 2015

Christian Pastor Danny Cortez, enjoying Starbucks with, well... you know.
Christian Pastor Danny Cortez, enjoying a Starbucks with, well… you know.

“Being a Christian does NOT mean giving the middle finger to those who disagree with you.” Let me tell you, all you Christians who are listening, we have a real problem here. A lot of people think Christians are jerks, because a lot of Christians have been acting like jerks. We need to lay down our weapons, stand back, and reevaluate what we’re doing here.

For those upset that Starbucks has cups that don’t outwardly celebrate your personal faith, this is for you.

You have got to stop strong-arming people into accepting your “deeply held religious beliefs.” Stop announcing that the world deserves Starbucks’ cups that celebrate Christmas, and that Jesus thinks so too. Stop being self-consumed with the idea that the world should revolve around your beliefs.

The world is not going to hell in a handbasket because Starbucks is using red cups. If you think the world as you know it is going to hell in a handbasket, it’s because you are shoving people away from any possible interest in the religion you claim, whose hallmark is meant to be love!

You have ravaged any curiosity anyone might have in God by constantly representing a God of intolerance and hate instead of the God of acceptance and love. Why would anybody be interested in your God?

Starbucks, if you want to know, has been doing what the church is called to do. It has identified the brutal treatment visited on our LGBTQ sisters and brothers, their being bullied, oppressed and pushed to the margins, and it has stepped in to help.

Starbucks is a leader and a major participant in the “Safe Place Program” in Seattle to battle hate crimes against LGBTQ people. It has taken seriously the charge to love others, the charge given to the church. It has loved the LGBTQ community well, just as Jesus said to.

This other stuff that too many Christians are doing—this “calling out sin” or other actions that really is dehumanizing your brothers and sisters—does not wash. People see it for the fear, hate and bullying that it is, and they won’t put up with it.

You can try all you want to rebrand this vilifying, this kicking people out, as love, and even do it “in Jesus name,” but it doesn’t change the truth. A child can tell you, that is not love.

So let me make it easy. If you want to really follow Jesus and model him in your life, go get a coffee in a red cup and do these things…

  1. Put away your agenda. Show an interest in people just because they are people, not because you’re going to “win them over.”
  2. Accept people where they are. How could you meet them anywhere else? Jesus did this in countless situations, and told us to do so too. Jesus offered life and freedom from bondage.
  3. Don’t talk about people’s “sin.” Unless someone is hurting or threatening you (I don’t mean threatening your ideology), other’s sin or not sin is none of your business.
  4. Love people. I know it’s a doozy, but this is the great command. Remember that cross to bear you keep talking about? This is it. Bear the cross of loving those you find hard to love. (Remember, anyone can love their friends…)
  5. Don’t talk about God. You demonstrate God’s love to people. If they ask why you love them, then you can say it’s because God loves them. Otherwise, don’t bring God into it.
  6. Admit to God that you will no longer take responsibility for other people’s religion, and you will no longer try to make this a “more Christian nation.” Not your job.
  7. Don’t assume people’s lack of interest in your God is something wrong with them. If people have no interest in the God you talk about, maybe it’s because of how you talk about God. So, stop talking about God and repeat number 5.

I know, this year’s Starbucks cups don’t show Santa or sleighs or elves… you know, all those things from the Bible. But come on Christians, the world is watching. Which do you think is more loving, more like Jesus, more appealing…  protesting coffee cups or loving others as unconditionally as you have been loved?

What IS our job here on this planet? Oh yeah! Love God and love others—especially those who are oppressed, marginalized and suffering. Just like Jesus. Everything else will line up under that.

Maybe instead of worrying about Starbucks ‘taking the Christ out of Christmas’, you should be concerned about how the church is taking the Christ out of Christianity.

We can talk more over a cup of coffee if you want. I’ll enjoy mine in a red cup. 🙂

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