Did Hillary “Dominate” the Democratic Debate like the Liberal Media Claims?

Did Hillary “Dominate” the Democratic Debate like the Liberal Media Claims? October 15, 2015

The CNN alert on my phone following the first Democratic Debate read “Hillary Clinton swept confidently through the campaign’s first Democratic debate, fending off rivals’ jabs with a polished performance.”  (Way to hold your cards close, CNN. Quite the journalistic approach you’re taking.)

But was Hillary’s performance all that impressive?  David French shares his thoughts on the debate in his column over at National Review.

He writes:

I’ve been spending this morning trying to think of a word other than “dominating” to describe Hillary’s performance last night. Her opposition was so inept — with three of the candidates looking like they were debating for dog catcher on public-access television and the fourth just grumpy and incoherent — that “dominating” feels somehow understated. Only Conan the Barbarian can sum up last night’s pillaging:

She crushed her enemies, they were driven before her, and she heard the lamentation of their women.

But was this even a debate?  David says, “No.”

At the same time, however, that wasn’t actually a debate. Can you imagine the Republican candidates treating a front-runner under FBI investigation (excuse me, whose “server” is under FBI investigation) with kid gloves? Heck, last cycle Republicans all but turned into #Occupy protesters when discussing arguably the most clearly impressive part of Mitt Romney’s résumé – his business success. This cycle, the fur flies from the start of each debate, and — thanks to Donald Trump — the insults can get grade school-level personal. The strongest shot at Hillary all night was Lincoln Chafee’s trembling pronunciation that he was scandal-free. Policy differences were papered over to the extent that Hillary — the queen of Wall Street — got away with casting herself is a kinder, gentler socialist than Bernie Sanders.

Read the rest of David’s thoughts on the debate, here.
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