Yale Student Absolutely Freaks Out Over Political Correctness

Yale Student Absolutely Freaks Out Over Political Correctness December 1, 2015

There is a video circulating Facebook of an undergrad from Yale throwing a full-on toddler tantrum as she screams at her professor in the middle of campus.

What was her professor’s crime that provoked such a scene?  His wife dared to question the Leftwing academia censorship police on their crackdown of Halloween costumes.  It appears that chastising Kylie Jenner for dressing like an eskimo is what passes for true courageous activism these days!

David French at National Review explains:

The video below has been making the rounds on the internet. It shows a young woman screaming in the face of Yale professor Nicholas Christakis about the alleged plight of minority students. Why the hysterical shrieking? Because the professor’s wife (a Yale lecturer) had the audacity to write an email to students at Silliman College, one of Yale’s so-called “residential colleges,” questioning excessive sensitivity over Halloween costumes. Yes, Halloween costumes.

The letter that caused such hysteria simply questioned the insane censorship of Halloween costumes on college campuses and asked why we can’t let students self-censor themselves? She wrote “Have we lost faith in young people’s capacity – in your capacity – to exercise self-censure, through social norming, and also in your capacity to ignore or reject things that trouble you?”

Here’s the video.  You can decide for yourself if the student’s response is proportional and helpful in any way:

I would be so ashamed if my 2nd grader acted like this, much less a college-aged adult.

David writes about this “social justice” warrior’s behavior:

Whenever I write about political correctness on campus, readers will post a number of comments noting how poorly this kind of behavior works out in the “real world.” Yet it’s crucial to note that many social justice warriors never enter that ”real world.” They stay on campus as professors or activist administrators, or they join left-wing nonprofits, or — worst of all — they join the leftist quarters of the bureaucracy, where they turn their temper tantrums into policy. There exists an entire parallel universe that is almost entirely insulated not just from the rough and tumble of the market, but also from the inconvenience of contrary ideas. And in that parallel universe that young student is a hero. She spoke “truth to power,” and she’s on her way to greater respect and influence at Yale and beyond.  Elsewhere, however, that behavior is self-limiting and ultimately self-defeating. In social justice-land, fit-pitching is the path to power. Everywhere else, it’s the path to parody.

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