A College Fund Set Up to Help the Most Needy College Applicants: White Males?

A College Fund Set Up to Help the Most Needy College Applicants: White Males? January 26, 2016

In a move that has caused the liberal elites on Twitter to loose their minds, Breitbart tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos has started a college scholarship fund to help the most needy students out there right now – low-income white males.  

In an interview with Buzzfeed’s senior tech reporter, Joseph Bernstein, Milo explained that the idea for the scholarship grant had originally started out as a practical joke to infuriate the thin-skinned political correctness crowd. However, upon digging deeper into the issue and coming up with research – see the fund’s website – supporting the fact that today, low-income Caucasian males are in fact disadvantaged in academia, Milo decided to go ahead with the idea. And thus, through private donations and $25,000 of his own money, put his plan into fruition.

Good for him! The progressive politically correct crowd often finds themselves stuck in the past instead of focusing on the problems of the present. For example, in many major metropolitan areas like Atlanta, are the impoverished more likely to be found in the inner city or the suburbs? A stunning study from the Brookings Institute revealed that the answer is the suburbs. Similarly, the New York Times has done great work analyzing the sky-rocketing mortality rates of working class whites across America.

Women now outnumber men in colleges. And working class whites now struggle to rise up the economic ladder, stuck in poverty and lacking opportunity to make a better life for themselves.

Let’s move past the stale talking points of decades past and get help to people who need it.

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