If a Republican had said THIS, the cries of “homophobia” from the Left would be deafening

If a Republican had said THIS, the cries of “homophobia” from the Left would be deafening July 26, 2016

The Wikileaks dump of hacked Democratic National Committee e-mails is proving to be a treasure trove of insight into behind-the-scenes bias and political manipulation by top-level Democrats.

It’s even led to the head of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, having to step down because of how the leak revealed her bias towards Hillary Clinton. But there is a lesser-known e-mail exchange that reveals further hypocrisy within the party.

The DNC’s National Finance Director sent an e-mail to Zachary Allen to tell him his “contract is fine.” Apparently relieved by this news, Zachary responded with, “Are we back to the point I can say I love you? Because I’d like to.”

Then, calling upon the well-known slang term used by heterosexual men who don’t want to appear gay when expressing their emotions towards one another, Jordan typed:

“I love you too. No homo. Phew.”

Twitchy wondered aloud for all of us who were thinking, “Imagine if the National Finance Director of the RNC used ‘no homo’ in an email?”

Should we be waiting for GLAAD to wholeheartedly condemn such “homophobia” coming from the supposed party of the LGBT community and demand an immediate apology?

It hasn’t happened yet and it probably won’t, because as the media tells us, only Republicans can be homophobic.

Nothing to see here, move along.

Read the exchange here.

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