Washington Post calls this Trump/McConnell handshake the ‘most awkward ever’

Washington Post calls this Trump/McConnell handshake the ‘most awkward ever’ March 1, 2017

Oh my gosh, I can’t stop laughing at Chris Cillizza’s hilarious post about the handshake between Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell last night.

Chris shared several observations about this horrible awkward moment, but here are three:

— Mitch McConnell has never, ever shaken hands like this with anyone ever. Not once. Never.

— The finger point! Because of the angle of the photo it’s not clear whether Trump is actually pointing at McConnell or someone right behind McConnell. (My college life, in one anecdote: Walking down the street when someone I don’t really know waves. I wave back, only to realize they are waving to their friend behind me. Cue embarrassment.) If we assume Trump is, in fact, pointing at McConnell, the next logical question is why? I have to assume this is a “Hey, look at the two of us!” sort of point, not a “I am going to end you” point. But with Trump, who knows?

— McConnell’s face is amazing. Total dead-pan. It’s like his hand and his head are not connected. His hand says “let’s party.” His expression says “let’s do business.”

Read his entire post here.

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