7 Quick Takes Friday

7 Quick Takes Friday June 24, 2011


We’re so excited because on Sunday we’re having a half-birthday party for Maggie! Her birthday is in December, and three days after Christmas, so we decided it would be more fun (read: people would actually come) if we had a party for her half-birthday in June.

I’m making cupcakes with pink icing that spell out “Happy Birthday Maggie!”, and the theme is pink and purple. Her signature colors. 😉


Baby sleep. Man, it’s tricky. Maggie is a pretty good sleeper, but her bedtime seems to be getting later and later. Last night she was tired at 8:30, so we put her to bed, and she woke up at 9:30, ready to play. Yeah, she didn’t get to sleep until 11:15 last night.

Once she gets to sleep she’ll generally sleep anywhere from 6 to 11 hours at a stretch, and frankly, I don’t really like feeling as though we have to go to bed as soon as she does.

What time does your baby go to bed? Do you have any kind of routine for doing that? I think we need a routine.


Thanks for all the lovely feedback on my most recent post. It’s not easy to write about our sins and mistakes, but we talked about it (Atticus reads anything that has to do with the both of us before its published), and he agreed that in order to really make the point in the post, and to not seem like I’m saying we’re perfect, we had to include that.

So thanks for being supportive, friends!


2011 Honda Odyssey Unveiled 2011 Honda Odyssey 1

2011 Honda Odyssey — want

We are thinking of getting a new (to us) vehicle, and I’m wondering if any of you van drivers out there have any recommendations?

It probably won’t be until next spring when we buy something, but I want to start researching now.

We’re looking for something:

with good gas mileage

seats up to 8 (just in case!)

is a van, but doesn’t look quite so van-like

is a swagger-wagon 🙂


Atticus is job-hunting, and he had a great interview on Wednesday (his patron saint Thomas More’s feast day!), and we are hoping he’ll get an offer on this one. Please say a little prayer that they’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse!


Then there’s this:

which is, I think, actually more awesome than this:

But only by a little.


That poster makes me think of one of my english professors in college who used to say, “I resent your use of the word awesome. Awesome is reserved for thunderstorms and God almighty.”

He also refused to get a computer, preferring to do everything with an old typewriter. Ah, the memories of old Ducharme.

Hope you have a great weekend! Check out more quick takes over at Betty Beguiles today!

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