7 Quick Takes: My Favorite Posts and A Giveaway!

7 Quick Takes: My Favorite Posts and A Giveaway! April 5, 2013

This week, in honor of my 500th blog post, I’m going to highlight my 7 favorite posts from the last 4 years.

Also, also, there’s still time to enter the giveaway for two awesome books and some yummy scrubs and lotions! The books being given are an autographed copy of Kate Wicker’s Weightless: Making Peace with your Body and my all-time favorite homemaking book, Organized Simplicity by Tsh Oxenreider of Simple Mom.

To enter the giveaway, comment on the giveaway post and answer this question: What book, Catholic or not, has impacted your spiritual life the most?If you like Fumbling Toward Grace on Facebook, fumble2grace on Twitter, or re-tweet the giveaway, you can be entered an additional time for each. Just comment back here and let me know!

The giveaway closes tonight at midnight and I’ll announce the winner on Monday.

Now on to the posts:

7 quick takes sm1 7 Quick Takes Friday (vol. 213)


The post where I explain why I am pro-life.


The post-partum post where I put it all out there on the table. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Mothering is not for the faint of heart.


My thoughts on how long the culture of death will continue.


On how to mother when your own mother is gone.


One in which I use my graduate degree to talk about social justice and Catholic social teachings.


This post, composed on our third anniversary, last January.


How my Maggie rescued me.

Happy weekend and go see Jen for more quick takes!

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