7 Quick Takes Friday

7 Quick Takes Friday July 19, 2013


You know what’s awesome?

Preschool mini-camp. Maggie attended m-w-f this week from 9-1 and it was wonderful. She got have fun with other kids, splash in water, play, and eat lunch.

Then I got to do something which I rarely get to do.

Go shopping alone.

That’s right. Be jealous.

It’s shocking how much I can get done when I shop alone. It really is. In fact, I was able to get so much done that I am basically finished shopping for Maggie’s fall clothes.

 The only thing she still needs are shoes.


It’s gotten more challenging to shop for her this year.

All of a sudden she’s 2 and she has like, opinions and stuff. When did this happen?

Also, she flat out refuses to wear anything but dresses. So, there’s that.

However, with some creativity and a lot of coupons, I’ve managed to compile a fall wardrobe composed almost entirely of dresses and leggings.

Here are my favorite places to get them:


Land’s End

You can’t buy toddler sizes in the stores, but they have the most adorable dresses and leggings available on their website.



Folks, I love Gymboree. I love the collections because it’s easy to make matching outfits, and I love that they often have wonderful sales.

Maggie also loves the curly ribbon hair clips they have.

Gem Heart Double Sleeve Dress


Hanna Andersson

I actually shopped at Hanna Andersson for the first time this morning. Have you ever been in there?

Oh my goodness. The sweetest dresses and leggings ever. And the quality of the leggings is so good. They feel so thick, like real pants. I just know M will love ’em!

Just got this one for her with matching blue leggings.


Gap and Carter’s

I love Gap. Love it for myself, love their kids stuff too. They make a line of “playtime favorites” with really nice leggings and tunics.

Carter’s has everything, and usually always has leggings and dresses.

With this adorable top

This weekend we’re planning on a trip to the pool, some household projects, and I am going to read my new book (The Paris Wife).
The Paris Wife
And as I type this, my wonderful Atticus is bringing home thai food.
Best husband ever.
Happy weekend everyone!

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