
Dehumanization July 20, 2015

That video we blogged about showing a Planned Parenthood official coldly discussing how they conduct abortions in such a way so as to maximize organ harvesting was picked up by the mainstream media and has sparked much outrage across the spectrum.

Planned Parenthood claims that the prices quoted ($30 and $100 for fresh fetal organs) were just shipping and handling charges, not sales, which would be illegal, something Congress will be investigating.   Though the abortionists are insisting that they were simply donating the tissue for scientific purposes, the filmers were posing as customers wanting to buy organs.   Pro-abortion zealots, of course, defended Planned Parenthood, though most people, including many liberals, were appalled.  (See Who had the worst week in Washington? Planned Parenthood. – The Washington Post.)

After the jump, read Michael Gerson’s column in the Washington Post about the way the woman on the video and abortion apologists are guilty of dehumanization.


From Michael Gerson, Planned Parenthood Video Shows an Appalling Trivialization of Life, Washington Post:

What do we learn from the video? First, it shows the appalling trivialization of life at the heart of extreme pro-choice ideology. If a developing life is really the moral and medical equivalent of a cyst or tumor, there is no limit on how it may be exploited. But most people — even those who support Roe v. Wade — intuitively recognize that the boy or girl in the sonogram is not a cyst. We see a family resemblance in a genetically differentiated human at an early stage of development. And people generally don’t want developing human beings treated as rubbish or raw materials.

Second, this shows the ethical danger of dehumanization. Whenever we start down the path of saying that some lives have diminished (or nonexistent) value, we harden something about ourselves that should be soft. This is true, in a different and lesser way, of comparing poor people on food stamps to animals. Or of saying that most illegal immigrants are rapists. It is always a source of serious ethical risk when we categorize a group of human beings as different and worthless. It leads, over time, to a callousness that can be shocking and dangerous.

Third, this case shows a deep tension within American society. All our best instincts push toward expanding the circle of inclusion and protection. Even opponents of same-sex marriage must admit that the rapid shift of public opinion on this issue has resulted from an impulse of generosity. But how does abortion — particularly late-term abortion — square with this trend in liberal societies? Many progressives paper over this tension by denying any value to a fetus until it emerges from the birth canal. But this is both medically and morally implausible.

These points are really one point. Human beings have a biological instinct and a moral imperative to care for their young. And in this calling, birth is an arbitrary dividing line. Most people think of a zygote as something different from a child. But particularly as technology has allowed us to peer into the womb, human instincts for protection have engaged earlier than nine months. And those who have entirely lost that instinct — including, apparently, the Planned Parenthood doctor — seem disconnected from the values of a compassionate society.

In this case, revulsion is not mere sentimentality. It is the sign, and requirement, of our humanity.

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