Woody Guthrie’s chili recipe

Woody Guthrie’s chili recipe September 7, 2015

There is a big new museum in Tulsa, the Woody Guthrie Center, honoring the great Oklahoma folk singer.  The Tulsa World Magazine gave, as one of its treasures, the family chili recipe.  For your culinary pleasure and enlightenment, I give it after the break.

Woody Guthrie’s Chili Recipe

  • 1 can chili
  • 1 can red beans
  • 1 can baked beans
  • 1 can creamed corn

Open cans.  Mix together.  Heat.


Lesson #1:  Poor people during the Depression weren’t foodies.

What else can we learn from this recipe?

The highest Cranach honor for life will be bestowed on anyone who tries this and reports on it.


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