Liberal News

Liberal News October 7, 2015

One of the web’s biggest news sites is the unabashedly liberal Huffington Post.  Review today’s issue.  Can you deduce anything about contemporary liberalism from the kinds of stories you find here?  Did you find anything that you would like to take issue with?  Did you learn anything that you found enlightening?

"For the first 250 or so years of its existence, the Church was a minority ..."

Conservatives Conserving a Liberal Status Quo
"So essentially you don't believe the First (or Second, etc.) Amendment should have applicability to ..."

Conservatives Conserving a Liberal Status Quo
"Setting aside the 14th Amendment, I don't see a conservative (as I defined it above) ..."

Conservatives Conserving a Liberal Status Quo
"Somehow you omitted the 2.5 wave conservatives who opposed the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments ..."

Conservatives Conserving a Liberal Status Quo

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