Super Bowl L (or is it 50?)

Super Bowl L (or is it 50?) February 5, 2016

The Super Bowl has always been the showcase for Roman numerals.  But this year the NFL, apparently not wanting the connotations of “L” for “loser,” is labeling this half-century contest with the Arabic numerals “50.”

The students at Master’s Academy Classical Club, from a classical Christian school in Matthews, NC, took umbrage at this and launched a campaign to the get the NFL to return to Latin numbering.  They actually won an audience with an NFL official who assured them that next year would feature Super Bowl LI.   (The Wall Street Journal ran a charming article on this:   How the Super Bowl ost a etter – WSJ [subscription required].)

Speaking of the Super Bowl. . .

Go here for all things Super Bowl.

Who do you think will win?

Whose commercials do you think will be the best?

Why do we care about Super Bowl commercials?

Why do we care about this game if our teams aren’t in it?  Why do people who don’t follow the NFL and don’t care that much about football still watch this game?

Is this a national communal experience that brings us together despite all of our political and cultural differences?  Or is it just a game?

Make up your own questions and answer them.

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