What the Bible says to writers

What the Bible says to writers April 28, 2016

My daughter Mary Moerbe picks up on my mini-series on what she calls “passages tucked away in plain sight” that speak to artists, musicians, and scientists.  She has a post about what the Bible (specifically, the Book of Psalms) says about the vocation of writing.  She picks up on these:

 “Open my lips and my mouth will declare your praise.” (Psalm 51:15)

“My heart overflows with a pleasing theme; I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe” (Psalm 45: 1).


From Mary Moerbe, The Bible says to Writers . . . – Meet, Write, and Salutary:

My dad’s been reflecting on what the Bible says to musicians/artists and to scientists. What are some passages tucked away in plain sight that address what the Bible says to writers, like those passages my father is seeing with new eyes? Immediately I thought of Psalm 51:15: “Open my lips and my mouth will declare your praise.”

Writers can only write as the Lord allows them. If God did not open our lips, gift us mouths and our other means of expression, we would be mute, anguished, tormented. Yet God gives us more than mere physical means. He gives us content, depth, insight, reflection.

[Keep reading. . .]

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