Live-blogging the Inauguration

Live-blogging the Inauguration January 20, 2017

Trump_Inaugural_Logo.svgBeing unable to resist significant moments in history, I’ll be watching the Inauguration ceremonies today and making comments here.

Things get started at 9:30 a.m. ET, with the actual inauguration ceremony starting at about 11:30 a.m. ET.  The swearing in will be at noon, whereupon Donald Trump will give his inaugural address.  I’ll be devoting most of my live-blogging to the speech.  Please join me with comments of your own.

On Saturday from 10:00-11:00 a.m. will be the Interfaith Prayer Service at the National Pantheon, I mean, the National Cathedral.  I can’t bear to watch that, but if you do, feel free to report on it by making a comment to this post.

After the jump, a schedule of the day’s activities.

UPDATE:  Here is a transcript of the speech.

From Here’s the Schedule of Events for Inauguration Day – Leah Barkoukisj, Town Hall:

Friday, January 20

In the morning, the Trump and Pence families will attend services at St. John’s Episcopal Church near the White House. Then, the Obamas will host Trump and Melania at the White House for tea and coffee. They will then go to the Capitol together.

9:30 am: Inauguration Day ceremonies begin. Some notable attendees include Presidents Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, and Bill and Hillary Clinton. Supreme Court justices, members of Congress (minus nearly 60 Democratic lawmakers), and diplomats will also be in attendance.

The national anthem will be sung by 16-year-old Jackie Evancho and The Rockettes will also perform.

11:30 am: Opening remarks, the invocation and readings.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas will swear in Pence, then at 12:00, Trump will take the oath of office. US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts will swear him in using two Bibles–Abraham Lincoln’s inauguration Bible as well as the one Trump’s mother gave him in 1955. He will then deliver his inaugural address.

12:30 pm: After the ceremony ends, Trump and Pence will attend the Congressional Lunch in the Capitol.

3-5 pm: Trump and Pence will travel 1.5 miles along Pennsylvania Avenue from the Capitol to the White House during the inaugural parade. There will be roughly 8,000 participants.

7-11 pm: Three inaugural balls will take place. Trump, Pence and their wives are expected to make appearances at all of them.

[Keep reading. . .] 

Illustration:  Inauguration Logo by 58th Presidential Inaugural Committee ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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