April 8, 2008

I mentioned the fact that I can never recall watching a basketball game in which my team has won. (The one exception is a high school game in my home town when I was in gradeschool.) Nevertheless, I turned on the NCAA championship game to

April 7, 2008

Yesterday, April 6, was the day set aside to commemorate the two Reformation artists Lucas Cranach and Albrecht Dürer, this being the day the latter artist died. (Are Lutherans the only ones to mark this day? Did these artists get on the Anglican calendar? I

April 7, 2008

You might want to contrast the work of Cranach & Durer on their special day with another artist much in the news, the late Andy Warhol. The conservative art critic says this about him in a posting entitled Roger Kimball Warhol vs. art: According to

April 7, 2008

We may be going from the web to the grid. New technology to be launched this summer may lead to the internet, which still relies on phone-company type switches, becoming obsolete. The new “grid” will eventually run 10,000 times faster than broadband, making possible near-instantaneous

April 7, 2008

Charlton Heston, Epic Film Star and Voice of N.R.A., Dies at 84 – New York Times The night before word of Heston’s death came out, I was watching “Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace,” and marveling at how bad it was. I noticed how

April 4, 2008

Muslims have the reputation of being extraordinarily resistant to evangelism, but, according to the data in this article, the Holy Spirit is changing that, with millions of Muslims coming to faith, despite the death penalty for doing so. From Muslims Leaving Islam in Droves, quoting

April 4, 2008

M. Z. Hemingway, who wrote that Wall Street Journal piece on the “Issues, Etc.” controversy is now blogging at Augsburg1530 on the subject, with much more to say. Save the LCMS crunches some disturbing financial data. Great lines from Anthony Sacramone at First Things: It

April 4, 2008

The theologian Alasdair MacIntyre wrote a piece during the last presidential election entitled The Only Vote Worth Casting in November arguing that not voting for either of two candidate can be a positive moral action. The first paragraph: When offered a choice between two politically

April 3, 2008

McCain shies away from religion talk – Jonathan Martin – Politico.com: Raised Episcopalian, McCain now attends a Baptist megachurch in Phoenix. But he has not been baptized and rarely talks of his faith in anything but the broadest terms or as it relates to how

April 3, 2008

Cow-human cross embryo lives three days: HUMAN-cow embryos have been created in a world first at Newcastle University in England, hailed by the scientific community, but labelled “monstrous” by opponents. A team has grown hybrid embryos after injecting human DNA into eggs taken from cows’

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