January 3, 2014

Pope Francis is still confounding just about everybody, but here he articulates a striking concept.  After the jump he tells an anecdote about a Lutheran pastor and makes us realize what all Christians might be facing: Today there is an ecumenism of blood. In some

January 2, 2014

In checking out the predictions for last year, I came across a post I wrote with this lede: More doomsday predictions, this time from the Roman Catholic side! According to writings attributed to St. Malachy in 1139, pope #112 will be the last one, and

January 2, 2014

Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor has issued an order blocking the implementation of Obamacare’s requirement that employers–even those with religious objections–must provide their employees insurance that covers birth control and morning after pills.  The stay is temporary, but it’s an important development. Some will be surprised

January 2, 2014

The kind of research that we literature professors appreciate: Being pulled into the world of a gripping novel can trigger actual, measurable changes in the brain that linger for at least five days after reading, scientists have said. (more…)

January 1, 2014

Happy New Year’s!  It’s time to look ahead on the year to come and to make our annual predictions about what we expect to happen in the new year.  We will then review those predictions on December 31, as we did yesterday, heaping honors upon

January 1, 2014

One of my solemn customs for New Year’s Eve is reviewing the events of the past year by reading satirist Dave Barry’s month-by-month lampoon.  I invite you to join me by clicking  Dave Barry’s Review of 2013, the Year of the Zombies – The Washington

January 1, 2014

The Washington Post has an annual New Year’s feature listing what’s “out” from the previous year and what’s “in” for the year to come.  Many of us are so removed from fashion that we have no idea what the style mavens are talking about for

January 1, 2014

Colorado legalized the possession of recreational marijuana last year, but as of today, you can buy it openly in retail shops.  Regulations that go into effect today will, in effect, create a legal marijuana industry in the state.  How do you think that will go?

January 1, 2014

I haven’t had time to monitor comments very closely, but I resolve to do so.  I also resolve to bring back this blog’s reputation for friendly, thoughtful, and welcoming discussions.  I resolve to delete comments that are off topic.  I resolve to delete personal attacks,

December 31, 2013

It’s New Year’s Eve, time for our annual review of the predictions made by the readers of this blog back on the last New Year’s Day.  Check them yourself here.  Though they were mostly wrong, there were some good guesses and some that were right

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