November 11, 2008

“Christianity Today” reports on the way philosophy departments in American universities are no longer havens of atheism; rather, thanks to the efforts of a new generation of Christian philosophers and an increased sophistication of discourse, the existence of God and contemplation of His attributes are

November 11, 2008

From William Lane Craig, God Is Not Dead Yet in Christianity Today, on the new credibility of God in contemporary philosophy: The kalam cosmological argument. This version of the argument has a rich Islamic heritage. Stuart Hackett, David Oderberg, Mark Nowacki, and I have defended

November 11, 2008

That’s what a Marxist historian is saying. From The London Telegraph: For those who missed it, I recommend Edward Stourton’s BBC interview with Eric Hobsbawm, the doyen of Marxist history. “This is the dramatic equivalent of the collapse of the Soviet Union: we now know

November 11, 2008

If you can vote, exercise free speech, criticize your government, or practice your faith openly, thank a veteran.

November 10, 2008

Some 600,000 women want to adopt a child, with plenty of parents being open to older children and those with special needs. Some 129,000 children in the foster care system need to be adopted. Yet only some 8,000 a year become a part of someone’s

November 10, 2008

Thanks to Bruce and tODD for reminding me of The Onion and for alerting me to these satirical takes on our sainted president-elect: Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are Then there is this, headlined Black Man Given America’s Worst

November 10, 2008

In browsing Wikipedia for some quick facts about something else, I came across this summary of Mortimer Adler’s rather more sophisticated version of the cosmological argument for the existence of God: In his 1981 book “How to Think About God”, Adler attempts to demonstrate God

November 10, 2008

Updating an earlier post about San Francisco voting on whether to legalize prostitution, the city voted “no.” A vicious proposal to rename the city’s sewer treatment plant after George W. Bush was also defeated. See S.F. rejects prostitution, energy measures.

November 7, 2008

Todd Peperkorn is a pastor I know, and I have the highest respect for him. His church in Wisconsin is used as a polling place. On election day, he put up this message on the church sign: Election officials made him take down the message.

November 7, 2008

Victor Davis Hanson urges that conservatives NOT do to the new liberal regime what the liberals did when the conservatives were in power: It seems to me that conservatives have a golden opportunity to offer criticism and advice in a manner that many liberals did

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