Slave Castles and Watering Holes: Reflecting On Our Trip To Ghana

Slave Castles and Watering Holes: Reflecting On Our Trip To Ghana April 7, 2014

The Door Of No Return: Leading From The Dungeons To Waiting Slave Boats
We’ve been home almost a week, and the intensity of what we experienced in Ghana is finally hitting me.  I finished a short video of  our trip last night, and I watched it this morning with our homeschool group.  It’s been two weeks since we visited the slave castles, and I shed my first tears today.

It’s not only the horror that I’ve been slow to process.  The beauty of the natural world, the graciousness of our Ghanian hosts, sitting with the Asante war chief to witness a festival that has taken place every forty-two days for hundreds of years – my awe grows with each passing day.

My 11th grade English teacher was fond of saying, “How do I know what I think until I see what I say?”

That was his way of telling us that you can’t understand your experience until you write about it. I’m not sure that he’s right, but his words have stuck with me all these years. And it’s certainly true that preparing the video was a gift to me. Thanks for letting me share.



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